Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Bear...its alive...ALIVE

So I'm finally on the correct size needle (a five!) and the bear is moving right along.
I'm loving the pattern and the yarn is pretty nice...for cotton. After about 4 hours of knitting with it last night I had a massive cramp in my left wrist, so I put it aside. I was happy with my progress though, having finished the body, butt and leg. After I recover from shoveling, I'll be starting again. Problem is, I didn't buy stuffing yet and once I finish the head (next step after second leg) I'm supposed to stuff the legs, body and head. So, hopefully it will warm up, some snow will melt and I'll get to dig out my car in a few days.

By the way, I'm bobsledding.


Blogger Wendy said...

Jamaica here you come! Where did you start knitting? The top of the body?


3:08 PM  
Blogger Knitty Delicious said...

no you start at the bottom; knit in the round for a while, then divide for front and back, then flip it over and pick up along the cast on for the legs. I finished the second leg last night and started on the head, but seeing as my car is buried and I need stuffing, I have to pace myself.

5:39 AM  

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