Teammate Update!
Magda originally wrote, "Magda here. I will be forwarding photos as soon as the object becomes "photo worthy". I am working on the 40" center square of the veil (which will eventually be 60" square). If I actually pull this off I will sleep so sweetly and soundly in 16 days… ah sweet relief."
I was so jealous - there would be no pitter patter of tiny little feet on her finished project, or formula spit up for that matter, no sir. A lace veil - exciting, awesome! Yet, sigh, not to be. Magda now writes: " . . . I too am stuck in baby land and had to switch my Olympic knitting challenge because I have a baby shower on Friday and next week need to finish a mohair scarf/shawl for my boss on her last day here. Alas, the veil will have to continue being a personal, private challenge."
And, if you ever need inspiration to complete that personal, private challenge, think of the good sportsmanlike words uttered by Johnny Weir, after he flubbed his long program: "I missed the bus. They changed the schedule," Weir said. "It was every 10 minutes. Today it was every half-hour. I was late getting here and never caught up. I never felt comfortable in this building. I didn't feel my inner peace, I didn't feel my aura. Inside I was black."
Because, Magda, like Johnny Weir, who will live to shop another day, you will knit that veil, I have every confidence - knit on Magda, feel your aura, inner peace, get comfortable in your building, and don't ever miss the bus - your whole knitting career could depend on it!
I was so jealous - there would be no pitter patter of tiny little feet on her finished project, or formula spit up for that matter, no sir. A lace veil - exciting, awesome! Yet, sigh, not to be. Magda now writes: " . . . I too am stuck in baby land and had to switch my Olympic knitting challenge because I have a baby shower on Friday and next week need to finish a mohair scarf/shawl for my boss on her last day here. Alas, the veil will have to continue being a personal, private challenge."
And, if you ever need inspiration to complete that personal, private challenge, think of the good sportsmanlike words uttered by Johnny Weir, after he flubbed his long program: "I missed the bus. They changed the schedule," Weir said. "It was every 10 minutes. Today it was every half-hour. I was late getting here and never caught up. I never felt comfortable in this building. I didn't feel my inner peace, I didn't feel my aura. Inside I was black."
Because, Magda, like Johnny Weir, who will live to shop another day, you will knit that veil, I have every confidence - knit on Magda, feel your aura, inner peace, get comfortable in your building, and don't ever miss the bus - your whole knitting career could depend on it!
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