Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Another Team Philly Triumph

Magda writes:

Well 2 1/2 out of 3 isn't bad. I got the baby sweater and blanket done last week Wednesday, and silly me, I convinced myself that I could conquer lace weight mohair and create 14" x 65" of magic by Sunday. Alas, I did sleep, eat, go to the movies and … oh, yes... I went to work for about 8 or 9 hours each day. So half of the stole/ scarf is done. I am proud nonetheless. Now I am itching to get started on the veil. My own private Olympics are set to begin! Wish me luck.

Thank you for posting this for me.


We did finish!

Sue and I did finish on Sunday. No big celebrations unless you call dancing in the kitchen like we were 18 again celebrations...

Sue finished her first sock. She was bummed that she didn't get 2 done. But that first sock is an amazing feet *ahem feat. And now that she knows she loves to knit socks she will knit more!! and perhaps some for me if I can persuade her.

So here is my lovely Turino Prep Sweater. I think it is hysterical that the colors of the sweater are the same as the billboards Turino had up for the figure skating. (Ah yes.. Amy who dyed the yarn said she planned it that way over a yr earlier. ha!)

Monday, February 27, 2006

In absentia

Congrats to all my Team Philly teammates on the podium!

Representing Philadephia in absentia (Providence, RI), my teammates and I had our closing ceremonies - complete with actual gold (colored) medals. Details here.

Two More on the Podium

Beverly's finished scarf:
And, Trish's "finished" baby sweater - I'm sure, by now, the sweater is finished - this picture was taken yesterday, well before the flame was extinquished, and she was seconds from the finish line!

Congrats to all of the exhausted Olympic athletes!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Golden Moment

So my very pregnant friend Sue's smile was golden to me:

So, my Olympic season is really complete.

And, Sue's is just beginning . . .

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

all done!

Today was a good day. The flower Basket shawl is done blocking.
Crazy speed skating Dutch 'Orange' fans go wild!

Pattern: Flower Basket Shawl, IK
yarn: Knitpicks dye your own laceweight Cushings' acid dyed in terra cotta
Notes: Yarn doubled, 9 lower shawl pattern repeats

Tulle, and Sequins, and Fringe, Oh My!

As we have all witnessed, this Olympics will not go down in fashion history (unless of course, you're a drag queen looking to "enhance" your wardrobe")

On the other hand, this unborn baby will be extremely well dressed (and snuggly in her pinwheel blanket) with my finished Olympic picot dress - she will not have to sift through her closet, oh no! Fashion will be at her finger tips!

So, my Olympic season has come to a close, and to finish it in style, Lisa Meyers, of Rosies, at 21st and Locust, a few steps down, has offered to host a closings ceremonies bash, to toast the end of the Olympics season, and all knitting Olympians (oh, and anyone else who is thirsty for a cocktail . . .). Hope to see everyone at Rosie's on Sunday at 4:30-6:00!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Look's like I'll make it!

I am getting closer and closer to my gold medal! I have the sleeves done, the body up to the armpits, and I am ready to attach them and start the yoke. I cannot believe I am going to get this done in the required time.

Sue, on the other hand, had to rip out twice this weekend on her first sock. But she is enjoying the process and is happy to finally learn how to make a pair on her own. I think she will get 1 sock done before the torch goes out.

Just an FYI. I have a knit/fiber nite at my house every other thursday. This thursday we are celebrating the olympics with tortellini soup (it looks just like those cra-zay medals!) and knitting. Feel free to come by and work on finishing your project.. or bring something new you've just started. I live in S. Philly and can send directions if anyone needs them :)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Gold Medal Performance

The bear is done! Yeah Bobsledding Bach!
This is a photo of it with Wendy's blanket...such posers~
For a more detailed progression of bear photos, see my blog

Friday, February 17, 2006

Hot Dogging

Tonight I started the last main pattern repeat of the Flower Basket Shawl. My ball of yarn left over still seems kind of huge. Even though Lisa weighed and estimated and warned me not to drop in any more pattern repeats, I think I'm going to anyway.

Look at all that yarn.

(I need something nicer then a dishcloth for a backdrop someday).

So I figure I can either stop now and finish several days early, or push on for at least 1 more repeat. Then I'd be rewarded with the smidge longer shawl I really desire (only 1 repeat adds more then 2") and I get to maximize my precious handdyed. If it doesn't work out, I can always lifeline and rip back, and still finish on time.

Or maybe I'm pulling a Lindsey Jacobellis- I'm out in front and pulling a backside method grab. If I make it will be cool, but if I don't...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Teammate Update!

Magda originally wrote, "Magda here. I will be forwarding photos as soon as the object becomes "photo worthy". I am working on the 40" center square of the veil (which will eventually be 60" square). If I actually pull this off I will sleep so sweetly and soundly in 16 days… ah sweet relief."

I was so jealous - there would be no pitter patter of tiny little feet on her finished project, or formula spit up for that matter, no sir. A lace veil - exciting, awesome! Yet, sigh, not to be. Magda now writes: " . . . I too am stuck in baby land and had to switch my Olympic knitting challenge because I have a baby shower on Friday and next week need to finish a mohair scarf/shawl for my boss on her last day here. Alas, the veil will have to continue being a personal, private challenge."

And, if you ever need inspiration to complete that personal, private challenge, think of the good sportsmanlike words uttered by Johnny Weir, after he flubbed his long program: "I missed the bus. They changed the schedule," Weir said. "It was every 10 minutes. Today it was every half-hour. I was late getting here and never caught up. I never felt comfortable in this building. I didn't feel my inner peace, I didn't feel my aura. Inside I was black."

Because, Magda, like Johnny Weir, who will live to shop another day, you will knit that veil, I have every confidence - knit on Magda, feel your aura, inner peace, get comfortable in your building, and don't ever miss the bus - your whole knitting career could depend on it!

Bobsledding Bach

Bobsledding Bach here.

The head of the bear is done. If AC Moore hadn't been closed due to "electrical problems," I would have been able to purchase the stuffing and it would actually look a bit more a bear instead of something Maggie ate. So all that is left are the ears and the arms...I'll post another photo when it is done.

I have discovered that watching old episodes of "Southpark" on my video IPOD makes the day go by just that much faster...I'll have to be sure to download some other episodes before Jury Duty.

Knit on Ya'll!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Straddling the Gate

So Bodie crapped out in the combined, hitting a gate, and getting DQ'd, and I, too, straddled a gate, got tangled up in Debbie Bliss's directions, and my race to the gate came to a screeching halt. If I had any hope of finishing by Friday, I needed to get the back done last night. I thought about starting the front, but as you can see, my skein isn't wound, and I was foiled.
I called Robin, in a panic, not even considering for a minute that she might actually be out enjoying Valentine's Day with her new beau (don't worry, Jay and I did have our traditional Valentine's Day wings at Tangier, and we even took our relationship to a new level, and also indulged in the beer battered chili cheese fries). But, kindly, taking pity on my interrupted Olympic knitting, she called me back from her cab. Unfortunately, she could not decipher the back buttonhole issue (since there's no picture of the back of the garment, and it's not something that won't just slip over th baby's head), I'm perplexed. There will be emergency faxing going on today, and hopefully, I'll be able to compete in the next alpine event.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

OK Philly Style

I wanted to wait until I had my own post up on my own blog before I moved over here to do my happy dance. :) Olympic Knitting (OK) has been a real pleasure at my house. Both Sue and I are participating and we've both gotten alot more done than even we expected.

After finishing the sleeves, I cast on the body yesterday.. it took me about a billion tries (I always had waaaay too much or waaaay too little). Sue chugged along on her first pair of socks. They look really nice and I think she will enjoy wearing them.

Here's is a pic of me Friday nite at dinner trying to get some OK in before we got our food. :) Sorry for the blur.. we only brought in the camera phone. Keep knitting everyone!

Little Baskets

Here is my progress on the Flower Basket shawl:

Flower basket Posted by Picasa

I'm done the ripping and screaming stage I seem to have to go through while learning the lace repeats. Note all the lifelines. It's not a hard pattern, but those YO's near the markers are easy to miss, and it took me a while to notice the pattern isn't exactly symmetrical on both sides.

It's now halfway through the 3rd repeat of the lower chart (out of a total of 7/8 repeats, depending when my yarn runs out). I think I'm going to make it.

Little Baskets:

closeup of baskets Posted by Picasa

At the Torino Olympics, I love the American Snowboard team! I was so upset when Kelly Clark washed out! I think she could have scored better. She flew so high, she could have taken on any Flying Tomatoes. Her run isn't getting enough press, it was historical!


Joey Cheek, my new hero!

No More Tears!

The Olympics, to me, are better than a Hallmark card. I took the Bar Exam during the '96 summer Olympics, the year that perky girl Keri Strug broke her leg and still stuck her vault, the year that track star folded, and his father had to carry him over the finish line. Every day, I went to my bar review class until 3:00, then I went rollerblading with the bar review tapes in my headphones, and when I returned home, I pulled out the flashcards. But, every night at 8:00, I cracked a beer, and turned on the Olympics. Inevitably, whenever tragedy struck, or we won a medal (or we didn't win a medal), I cried. I thought it was stress, or a catharctic reaction.

I was wrong. Because when that Chinese skater, after having been body slammed into the ice, brushed off her tears, nodded her head for their music to be recued, and skated around in slow circles waiting for the music to get to the place where they could resume their program, the tears began to flow.

And, it made me even happier, that I too, had had my Olympic moment during the same evening. Yes, at 7:00 p.m., I bound off my last stitch, and at 7:53 p.m., I wove in the last end. Pinwheel blanket, to me, is a gold medal performance. It's 2ft by 2 ft, knitted in Blue Sky Alpaca, doubled, on 9's. I spoke to the mother-to-be yesterday, and she was telling me how her fingers had started to tingle, and when she had called her obstetrician, he told her that carpal tunnel syndrome is very common in pregnant women. While I did knit my little fingers to the bone (and yes, I do sleep!), I suffered no pain, no stiffmess, no tingling - somehow, I had passed it off to the expectant mom. So, for her pains, and the fact that I just can't accept that the Olympics is over for me, I am throwing in a little Picot Dress:
I'm using the 2 skeins of Koigu that my secret pal (who never revealed herself, oddly enough -- and I never got to thank her properly) sent me for the skirt, and on the top I'm going to pick a solid color. Also, I'm going to throw in an eyelet row so that I can have a bow at the waste.

I'm pretty confident that I can finish it before the end of the Olympics, but I'm also realistic enough to realize that I'm not going to finish it by Friday (because as a single person on Valentine's Day, I have some Olympic sized drinking to do with my equally perpetually single friend Jay, over our traditional Valentine's Day wings at Tangier), when I would have to pass the gift off to someone who could get it to the shower for me on Saturday (yes, I get to bail on the shower - it's my neice's b-day party at some G-d awful kid heaven like Chucky Cheese). So, the dilemna becomes do I send the blanket to the shower, and save the little dress for when the baby is born, or do I wait and just give her my whole gift myself? Decisions decisions.

At least my decision has nothing to do with to perform or not to perform after being pummelled into sheetrock.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Bear...its alive...ALIVE

So I'm finally on the correct size needle (a five!) and the bear is moving right along.
I'm loving the pattern and the yarn is pretty nice...for cotton. After about 4 hours of knitting with it last night I had a massive cramp in my left wrist, so I put it aside. I was happy with my progress though, having finished the body, butt and leg. After I recover from shoveling, I'll be starting again. Problem is, I didn't buy stuffing yet and once I finish the head (next step after second leg) I'm supposed to stuff the legs, body and head. So, hopefully it will warm up, some snow will melt and I'll get to dig out my car in a few days.

By the way, I'm bobsledding.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Day One of Competition

Ok, today's not the 13th anniversary of my grandmother's death, and I didn't skate 5000 meters in the time it takes to pop a bag of low fat popcorn, but I think I had a good first day of Olympic competition.
In fact, the only thing that impeded my progress is that I ran out of yarn. I figured out last night, that I it was taking me about 2 hours per skein, and as of this morning, I had four skeins, 8 hours left. My knitting took place during The Ice Storm (going on outside the house, and the Ang Lee movie on HBO), one episode of General Hospital (Fri), the 6:00 news, and Hustle and Flow (much better than I ever expected!), so I think I upped my time by about 1.5 hours (I think because my caston last night took at least a half hour, because joining the first five stitches in the round on my tiny tiny double points was no joke, and serious business). I'm not sure where I want to go from here (well, accept to the finish line). I could pick another color (that last color, by the way, is purple, not blue), and do another "round," or I could bind off, pick up along the edge, and go around in maybe a garter border. I don't know. I'll figure that out tomorrow, because tomorrow is another day!

What Olympic Sport are you?

You Are Curling

What you lack in athleticism, you make up for in concentration.

And while curling isn't much more of a sport than bowling, you *can* win a gold medal for it!

Let the Games Begin!

The Olympic evening began at a pre-cast-on cocktail party - because what do you want to do before you begin competitive knitting? Taking our inspiration from Bodie Miller, we opted to throw ourselves down the mountain after a few glasses of wine.
This was supposed to be a party welcoming Melissa Leapman to Loop, but not knowing who she was, I shoved her out of the way to take a partial Team Photo - Sarah, Beverly, Melissa, and Merrill. Oopsy.
Then, it was off to meet Team Bobbi Bear - who were so ready to cast on. Elizabeth, Heather and Christina were prepared - they had their pattern, their needles, their yarn. Go team go! Cast on!

Let the Games Begin!!!!

But, sometimes all of the planning, all of the training, all of the excitement can't avoid a disaster. Knitter down!!! Even Bob Costas had tears in his eyes (oh, wait a second, Bob always has tears in his eyes . . .)
Who would have thunk you had to swatch a damn bear!!! (And who would have thunk, for that matter, that Pavorotti really needed to paint those eyebrows on) But alas, the girls cast on on 9's, and the fabric was as loose as a goose. The solution - down to 6's - 6's anyone???? No . . . and Team Bobbi was out for the night. But that's ok, there's still much competition left in Philly. Christina - keep us up-to-date with Team Bobbi Bear's progress - you know we're all pulling for you! It's not like you injured a groin, you just two footed your landing.

After 4 hours of knitting, I was sacked out - . Tired, but satisfied. I was happy with my program, and just so happy I knitted my best.

Humble Beginning

As of 4pm on day one, Bode Miller just finished his last practice run and I did 1" of my Knitting Olympics project, a top-down sweater.

Bode goes at his pace, I go at mine.

I just figured this out

Hi All,

I just figured out this Team Philly posting thing.

I'm watching the US Women's hockey right now on my new, HD flat screen TV which, after a professional media installer, the cable guy and I struggled for 5 hours, FINALLY WORKS. I feel guilty pulling out the knitting since I should plug away at unpacking and organizing our newly renovated kitchen. So I'm unpacking (and blogging) to Bitches on Blades.

Will post knitting pictures later. 40 minutes to Luge!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Fellow Olympians!

Thanks BJ amd Brendagrrl for posting! In order to make you official Team Philly players so that you can post to Team Philly blog, you need to email me, so that I can send you a blogger evite. BJ - I tried to post a comment on your blog, but it didn't work, and Brendagrll, I just couldn't find you on that website.

Good luck to all competitors, flame lighting is at hand!

I'm Not Ready!

I was watching Michelle Kwan on GMAC with Katie and I realized --- I'M NOT READY!!!! -- Not mentally, not physically, no siree bob, I'm going to walk out on the ice and trip over a teddy bear, I'm going to fly down that mountain, and smack into a tree (anyone see The Other Side of the Mountain???? You ladies may be feeding me through a straw by next week . . . and make sure there's alcohol in that mix). SIXTEEN DAYS DEVOTED TO ONE PROJECT IS TOO MUCH OF A COMMITMENT FOR ME! One? One? Monogamous knitting???? I can't do it!

And, I went looking for my size 9 double points to start my cast on, and I CAN'T FIND THEM. It's like leaving my skis at the airport, my skeleton at the gate. Breaking a lace on the ice after I've clubbed my competitor . . .

Does anyone have a paper bag I can breathe into???

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Everyone ready?

Is everyone getting set in the starting blocks?!? I was shocked to see that tomorrow is the 10th! It snuck up on me somehow!

I swatched today to make sure I wasn't going to run into any problems with the cast on for the flower basket shawl. I'm really happy I'm using 2 strands of laceweight yarn as the pattern calls for. I dyed the yarn myself, and while I really enjoy the subtle variations in handdyed solids I also don't really want any splotchy tendencies on a lace shawl.

Here it is if you didn't see it on my blog before:

Good luck everyone! Don't forget to pace yourselves and stay hydrated...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Let's Run the Steps...

Haha...I'm not running up any art museum steps anytime soon; but I'm happy to blog on the Team Philly page! I am so geared up for the knitting olympics! I've already got my project in a basket next to the couch, ready to go! I'm waiting for that starting gun!

If onlyI could get these DAMN BUTTONS on my blog...have you seen the one with Bob Costas?
A RIOT! Wendy, we are getting buttons on my blog Friday night...bring your HTML book.

Two days until the opening ceremonies!

Join Team Philly!

Is everyone ready to cast-on! Let's go Philly! Let's show the world what we can do. Are we simply cheesesteak eaters, with grease dribbling down our chins? No! Are we just the land of Boo Birds and battery-throwing crazy Philly Fanatics? Of course not! Is our speech peppered with Yo! Coulda shoulda woulda . . . do we drink wudder? Well, maybe . . . but, the bottom line is, we are a thriving knitting community, and we should collectively go for the gold.

To join Team Philly, click on the Team Philly button on the sidebar, and email me from my homepage, Knit and the City. Include your email address, homepage, etc. Start posting your training, the sweat and tears you've put into your swatches, the agony of choosing the right yarn, the right event, the hours of training . . . ok, Philly natives are sometimes dramanistas.

So, Go Philly, and Yo Adrienne - we did it!